
“It is in the order to really see, to see ever deeper, ever more intensely, hence to be fully aware and alive, that I draw what the Chinese call ‘The Ten Thousand Things’ around me. Drawing is the discipline by which I constantly rediscover the world.

I have learned that what I have not drawn, I have never really seen, and that when I start drawing an ordinary thing, I realize how extraordinary it is”.

(Frederick Franck, ‘The Zen of Seeing’).

Monday 30 September 2013

210-212 Doc Martin W.I.P

I must admit after starting to watch the new Doc Martin series I've become a bit of a fan, in fact I've been so inspired by the great characters in the show that I've decided to do my own bit of fan art. The idea is to do some studies of the characters and produce a finished piece using the best of the sketches.