
“It is in the order to really see, to see ever deeper, ever more intensely, hence to be fully aware and alive, that I draw what the Chinese call ‘The Ten Thousand Things’ around me. Drawing is the discipline by which I constantly rediscover the world.

I have learned that what I have not drawn, I have never really seen, and that when I start drawing an ordinary thing, I realize how extraordinary it is”.

(Frederick Franck, ‘The Zen of Seeing’).

Thursday 25 September 2014

224- Norah Clayton (Revolution series 1)

Currently trying out a demo version of Corel Painter 2015 as I'm just not prepared to pay Adobe prices for an upgrade to CS6 or pay a ridiculously priced monthly subscription  - bally pirates!
The good news about this update is that you can now get the upgrade price if you have any version from 7 upwards, well done Corel!